Friday, August 6, 2010

Impossible Possibilities for the impossible part:

It is currently 8:26am. I have a housing appointment at 8:30am in Kaneohe...I do believe it is impossible to make my appointment. Morning are not good for me. Especially when I live 45 mins away. I am just going to get out of her as soon as I can and do a walk in. Hoping I get put back to 1st priority and I get a house in the new neighborhood by my Dayna ;-) Ford Island did not work out the way I thought it would...if we had another kid or Ryan was E7 they would have gladly put me there. But you know, Chief results are supposed to come out least rumor has maybe, maybe, by some miracle of God Ryan makes it! I have so many friends waiting for good news and I hope all of us get it!


So I have seriously been slacking on diet and exercise. I feel horrible and gross and ugly. I need to recommence Operation Sexy Wife. It's so hard, I feel like I am so busy. My last full day at home was LAST Friday and by the time I get home it is dark and too late to go out for a run or walk. And like I said before, morning are horrible in the Bruno's house. I NEED NEED NEED to make time for myself and to take care of myself.

Well off I go to my 'walk-in' appointment at housing.


  1. yaaayyy for moving closer to me!! I hope, I hope :)

  2. hang in there, lady! This operation: sexy bitch/wife (wait, not bitchy know what i mean) is NOT easy. you are not gross or ugly. you are a beautiful woman. try to stay positive and do something good for yourself - even if it's something simple. I find that 15 minutes in the bubble bath can turn my day around. find what works for you. let me know how it goes!
