Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Mixed Emotions

My poor Nicole has been sick these past two days. She managed to keep her fever down until this evening upon going to bed. She got a dose of medicine and her fever dropped right away. Now it is the coughing I am worried about. She has a dry chesty cough that if is not better tomorrow, probably wont be, I will take her in to get her lungs checked. Last thing I need is for her to get an upper respiratory infection or bronchitis.

Today we received our orders back for where we will go in November. Ryan asked for VPU-2 here in Kaneohe, Hawaii. That request was denied and we are forced to choose between VP-47 in Kaneohe, Hawaii or VP-?? in Patuxent River, Maryland. VP-47 just returned from a deployment cycle which means if we join them in November Ryan will deploy AGAIN in June. Not great! So...I am leaning for Pax River. Pax River is located 4 hours and 30 mins from my grand parents in Virginia Beach, 10 hours and 45 mins from Ryan's parents in Georgia, and 11 hours and 45 mins to my parents in Florida. We would be able to go to DC, Bush Gardens, Sea World, New York City, The Appalachian Mountains, and many other places by CAR! So basically I have my mind made up, can you tell? Part of me wants to stay in Hawaii. I love it here, it is beautiful and I have a million friends. Plus I know almost as much as a local knows when it comes to where to go and what to see. If we move I have to start all over and I am the new girl on the block. Change is good and can be very exciting sometimes. So we'll see.

Well I am beat, and I am hoping I get a phone call with his decision. The detailer needed an answer on our choice within 24 hours so I think he was trying to shoot for tonight when he got off work. It is currently 5:30 in Japan so the decision will be made shortly. Praying for Pax River!

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